How To Teach Discipline To Your Child?

If your idea of teaching discipline to your child is yelling, shaming them, verbally abusing them, or physically harming them (slapping, beating, etc.) then let us just say it out loud that it won't work. Also, that is not a good way of teaching your child how to behave and be in discipline. 

Your child’s discipline depends on a lot of factors and wrong ways of parenting can only make them angry, rebellious, or even depressed. Physical punishment may leave a temporary scar on the outside but a permanent scar inside (mentally).

Therefore let’s discuss one by one what are the best ways to teach discipline to your child without making them feel stressed or unhappy.

·       Be a good listener

If you don’t listen to why they did what they did then who will? Instead of immediately acting out be patient and understand the cause of their out-of-the-way behavior. Correct them if they are wrong and make them aware of the consequences.

·       Appreciate their good behavior

Your teenage kids would love some appreciation if they did something good. This will tell their conscious about what’s right and wrong. For instance, thanking them for setting the dinner table, showing gratitude for their help around the house, or giving a mention to their act of maturity can really turn around the tables.

·       Don’t react to everything

If your child is always late to school you probably end up scolding them and make them get ready on time. You know if you don’t act on it, your child will miss the school. But consider this, your child doesn’t keep their books back in bookshelf and leave their stationary on the floor, you don’t have to really react to it. Once they need their books to pack their bag or pens to complete an assignment they will look for it. After two or three times, they will themselves keep it properly.

·       Pay attention to your child

If summer or winter vacations are on their way, kids are more likely to get bored at home with very little to study and no routine in place. They don’t have to get up early in the morning or arrange their bags for the next day. This can give them a lot of free time. Thus, you must make sure they have some activity planned for those hours. Because if they don’t they will start acting out or misbehave due to loneliness or lack of any work.

·       State an example carefully

You can always show them what a disciplined life looks like and how a misbehaved child can cause trouble. If they see it with their own eyes, they will realize it better. But remember; don’t compare your child with anyone.


Discipline strategies work best when kids know that their parents love them unconditionally and want their kids to have a healthy lifestyle. The points mentioned above will teach your kids how to self-control, be a part of good development, and learn self-discipline.