No. Parents Don’t Know Everything

As a parent, you want to take care of everything, and sometimes you even stop your kid from doing stuff because you know the consequences. But we guess there is no issue in admitting that you don’t know everything. It could be about ever-evolving education, life lessons, or fast-moving technology.

Every parent looks forward to raising kids that are their reflection but, in the process, they forget that it might not be something their kids want.

If you, as a parent, think that your son should be a mathematician just like you, then you can probably ask if they have an interest in math or not. If they don’t you just have to let it go and let them choose what they think is best for them.

Parenting is challenging. You always want to protect your child from any scenario that’s ugly or fears that might hinder your child’s growth but you don’t know what’s their response mechanism. And if you don’t let them be out there they won't ever learn.


 Why Parents Should Give Space To Their Kids?


One instinct all parents have is not allowing their kids to be in relationships. Do you do that too? If yes, then I’m sure the reason is that your kids will be distracted or they might face heartbreak or even end up choosing the wrong person. You will argue with them that you know the consequences. 

But you couldn’t be more wrong. Teenage is the best to understand what emotions are all about. Dating and relationships also construct a child’s behaviour. Your child will learn how to respect or behave in a partner relationship, or how to take care of another person, etc. Even if there were a heartbreak, it would be an experience. In case they choose the wrong person, they will know which people to stay away from.

You must give breathing space to your kids and let them have their learning and experiences. The best thing you can do in these situations is to advise them, tell them what’s right and wrong, show them examples of good lifestyle and partnerships. Most importantly, instead of going against them, be a part of their journey and participate as much as you can. Know who they hang out with, ask about their day at school, have they made new friends, is there anything bothering them, etc.

Parents: You Don’t Have To Know Everything

Life has something special in store for everyone. Your kids should have the chance to experience and explore on their own. You might have some of your experiences that you can share with them but don’t ask them to follow your path. Giving freedom to your kids can help you create a strong bond with them. Occasionally you can even admit that you don’t know about something. It would make your kids share things with you. Be a good listener and know things about what your kids want to tell you.